Saturday, April 8, 2023

Chris Hedges and Margaret Flowers: COVID-19 Isn’t ‘Over’—But Your Medicaid Might Be

Dandelion Salad
April 7, 2023

with Chris Hedges and Margaret Flowers

TheRealNews on Apr 7, 2023

Dr. Margaret Flowers joins The Chris Hedges Report to discuss the toll that COVID denialism will have on our society, and the generally outrageous state of US healthcare.

The national emergency and public health emergency declarations related to the COVID-19 pandemic will terminate on May 11, 2023. These emergency declarations, in place since 2020, waived or modified requirements in a range of areas, including in the Medicare, Medicaid, and CHIP programs, as well as in private health insurance.

The end of these special measures will see between 5 and 14 million Americans lose their Medicaid coverage, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation. More than 30 million Americans already don’t have health insurance and millions more are underinsured.
